Sample Talks
With Jo Hsu and Ada Hubrig. “Mad Frictions + Digital Accessible Futures: Hostile Legislation, Digital Activism, and TransCrip Stories.” [Panel discussion and mini-workshop] DISCO Network Speaker Series. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. November 2023.
Keynote Conversation with Christina V. Cedillo, Ersula J. Ore and Kimberly Wieser-Weryackwe: “Writing, Striving, and Surviving during COVID Times.” Conference on Community Writing, Denver, CO. October 2023.
“The ‘After/Life’ of Immigration: State Violence at/as the Intersections of Race, Gender, and Disability.” University of Kentucky Committee on Social Theory Speaker Series. April 2023.
“Rhetorical Syzygy: Examining State Violence through the Lens(es) of Race, Gender, and Disability.” University of Utah Committee for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and the Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies. April 2023.
“Rhetorical Canons Reimagined: Materiality, Epistemology, and Multimodal Home Places.” Keynote speaker. 7th Annual Southern Regional Composition Conference, University of Arkansas at Little Rock. March 31- April 1 2022.
Panelist: “So You Want to Edit a Journal.” RSA Remote Series, Rhetoric Society of America. November 2021.
Roundtable participant: “Journal Publication.” Fourth HBCU Symposium on Rhetoric and Composition, Online. September 2021.
“Neurodiversity and Unconscious Bias: Unconscious Bias in Education.” 6th Annual LoneStar LEND Conference [Leadership Education in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities], Houston, TX. May 2021.
Plenary Talk: “Making Room for the ‘Multiverse’: Building Classrooms with Access for All in Mind.” Old Dominion University Spring Conference on the Teaching of Writing: "Surviving Thriving in the New Normal." April 2021.
“Race, Disability, and Decolonization: Re-envisioning Rhetorical Space and Time.” Virginia Tech University Rhetoric Club, RSA chapter. April 2021.
“On Inclusive Editing Practices.” Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies Seminar, K. Soto Vega. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. January 2020.
“Towards a Composition that Matters: Bridging the Material-Digital Divide.” Featured speaker. Twelfth Biennial Thomas R. Watson Conference, Louisville, KY. October 2018.
Sample Workshops
With Ada Hubrig. “Community Access Lab: A Workshop in Access Pedagogy as Community-Building.” Georgetown University, Disability Studies Program. September 2023.
“Marginalized Multimodalities.” University of North Carolina at Charlotte. April 2023.
“Teaching across Difference.” Dual Event: Lecture and Workshop. Oklahoma State University English Department and Committee for Anti-Racism and Equity (Care), Houston Truax-Wentz Endowment, Fae Rawdon Norris Endowment for the Humanities, Center for the Humanities, Africana Studies, American Studies, and Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, March 2023.
“What Do We Mean by Access? (Not So) Universal Design in the Writing Studies Classroom.” Merritt Writing Program, University of California, Merced. April 2022.
"The Time of Writing: Kairos, Chronos, and Pedagogical Consultation." Michigan State University Writing Center Speaker Series. April 2021.
With M. Remi Yergeau. “Cripping Composing/Composing Cripping.” University of Nevada, Reno Writing Program. April 2021.
“Neurodiversity and Writing Pedagogy.” St. Mary’s College Writing Proficiency Program. March 2021.
“Teaching Democracy: Disability, Race and Citizenship.” Teaching Democracy Series, organized by Sarah Moon, Massachusetts Maritime Academy. January 2021.
“Writing with Our Bodies: Diversity, Embodiment, and Technology in the Humanities Classroom.” Humanities Teaching Lab, University of Maryland Baltimore County. November 2020.
“Access as an Aim: Challenging the ‘Universal’ in Universal Design.” Fordham University EP (Writing) Program. September 2020.
“Crip Is a Verb.” Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute. Co-led with Remi Yergeau. June 2019.